Akademos Scholarship

Akademos Scholarship

Akademos Scholarship is the flagship program of Akademos Society. The program helps talented and disadvantaged students reach their full potential through provision of financial and academic support throughout their college years. The financial support includes payment of full tuition fees and other education related expenditure.

Akademos Study Grant

Akademos Study Grant

Akademos Study Grant provides financial assistance to tertiary students who are unable to pursue their higher education goals due to socio-economic circumstances. The program provides mentoring support and covers full tuition of the grant recipients throughout their University degree, including payment for lodgings and hostel accomodation where required.

Kids Off The Streets

Kids Off The Streets (KOTS)

In 2017, Akademos Society partnered with Resources of Young Afghans (ROYA) to launch our Kids Off The Streets (KOTS) project in Afghanistan. The program provides financial assistance to child labourers, enabling them to access educational opportunities. The financial assistance covers school enrolment fees, monthly school fees and English language and computer training classes.

Akademos Plus

Akademos Plus+

Akademos Plus+ provides financial assistance to high performing Akademos students to attend University entry test preparatory classes upon completion of their college studies, providing them an opportunity to get into degree of their choice. The program covers full fee of selected tutoring/coaching centres that prepare aspiring tertiary students for entry tests of the medical universities.


Akademos Australia Student Assistance Program

Akademos Australia Student Assistance Program (AASAP) is our Australian Program. The program provides financial assistance to high performing international students enrolled at university in Australia. The program covers partial course fees, mentorship, and other forms of guidance and support as required.

N-A Computer Lab

Najiba-Akademos Computer Lab

The Najiba-Akademos Computer Lab, the first and only one of its kind in one of the most remote and impoverished province of Afghanistan, Daikundi province was inaugurated on 10 April 2021. The Lab is equipped with twelve computers, internet connection and many other essential tools that will connect students in Daikundi to the outside world and help break the geographic barriers.

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